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Research: Terraforming, Synthesis, Logistics, Transportation, Energy, Science, Construction

Research Product Terminals

In Techtonica you need to progress by upgrading your terminals to unlock new technologies, new scannable technologies and research. The game currently has 5 Production Terminals that can be upgraded. PT Lima, PT Victor, PT XRay, PT Sierra, and PT Unknown.

The completion of PT Lima is required to obtain The M.O.L.E. The M.O.L.E.. to leave the starting area. All further terminals can be upgraded independently and do not require the maxing out of the previous sector's tiers to reach. PT Victor is your general purpose production terminal for most things. PT XRay has to do with more advanced technologies and base building technologies. PT Sierra begins a completely new biome with its own production lines. PT Unknown is the final end-game terminal to complete for story reasons but does not unlock anything.


To purchase unlocked research, you will need Research Cores. The cores needs to be place some where in the world, or inserted into a powered Core Composer via inserters, to be able to use them. After that the total number of cores available can be seen in the tech tree.

Scannable Research

Some research requires you to have scanned the research item in question before you can purchase it with research cores. This can either be in the form of the physical machine or equipment, or it can also be an Scannable HHD, which can be found throughout the world and inside most facilities.

Terminal Tiers & Research

As mentioned when a product terminal is upgraded, new research becomes available. In addition to this, upgrading the production terminal also grants you instant access to specific new technologies.

WORK IN PROGRESS Many of these values need to be updated after the 1.0 update.

PT Lima

Tier Tier Name Cost Tier Unlocks
Tier 1
Basic Manufacturing

Iron Components Iron Components
Copper Components Copper Components
Mechanical Components Mechanical Components

Tier 2
Research Core 380nm (Purple)
Basic Science

Iron Ore Iron Ore (15x)
Copper Ore Copper Ore (15x)

Research Core 380nm (Purple) Research Core 380nm (Purple)
Scanner Scanner

Tier 3
Conveyor Belt
Basic Logistics

Iron Ingot Iron Ingot (20x)
Copper Ingot Copper Ingot (20x)

Conveyor Belt Conveyor Belt
Inserter Inserter
Container Container

Tier 4
Electrical Components
Electric Components

Container Container (20x)
Inserter Inserter (4x)
Iron Ingot Iron Ingot (30x)
Copper Ingot Copper Ingot (30x)
Conveyor Belt Conveyor Belt (45x)

Iron Frame Iron Frame
Copper Wire Copper Wire
Copper Frame Copper Frame
Electrical Components Electrical Components

PT Victor

Tier Tier Name Cost Tier Unlocks
Tier 1
Shiverthorn Seed
Shiverthorn Processing

Iron Ingot Iron Ingot (490x)
Copper Ingot Copper Ingot (490x)
Kindlevine Stems Kindlevine Stems (90x)

Shiverthorn Shiverthorn
Shiverthorn Buds Shiverthorn Buds

Tier 2
Cooling System
Cooling Systems

Iron Ingot Iron Ingot (2400x)
Copper Ingot Copper Ingot (2400x)
Plantmatter Frame Plantmatter Frame (190x)

Cooling System Cooling System

Tier 3
Atlantum Ore
Atlantum Ore Threshing

Iron Ingot Iron Ingot (900x)
Copper Ingot Copper Ingot (900x)
Processor Unit Processor Unit (900x)
Atlantum Ore Atlantum Ore (450x)

Atlantum Powder Atlantum Powder

Tier 4
Advanced Circuit
Advanced Electronics

Iron Frame Iron Frame (4750x)
Copper Frame Copper Frame (4750x)
Processor Unit Processor Unit (500x)
Atlantum Ingot Atlantum Ingot (200x)
Conveyor Belt MKII Conveyor Belt MKII (700x)
320 MJ Accumulator

Advanced Circuit Advanced Circuit

Tier 5
Research Core 380nm (Purple)
Optimization (Purple Research Core)

Reinforced Iron Frame Reinforced Iron Frame (100x)
Reinforced Copper Frame Reinforced Copper Frame (100x)
Advanced Circuit Advanced Circuit (200x)
Conveyor Belt MKII Conveyor Belt MKII (900x)
690 MJ Accumulator

Increases the effectiveness of

Research Cores (Purple) by 25%

Tier 6
Research Core 480nm (Blue)
Optimization (Blue Research Core)
WORK IN PROGRESS Increases the effectiveness of

Research Cores (Blue) by 25%

Tier 7
The M.O.L.E.
M.O.L.E. T.W.O.
WORK IN PROGRESS Unlocks M.O.L.E F1515 (Flatten) mode. (15x15 area of effect)

Unlocks M.O.L.E F1212 (Tunneling) mode. (12x12 area of effect)


Tier Tier Name Cost Tier Unlocks
Tier 1
Reinforced Copper Frame
Reinforced Frames

Iron Ingot Iron Ingot (290x)
Copper Ingot Copper Ingot (290x)
Kindlevine Stems Kindlevine Stems (40x)

Reinforced Iron Frame Reinforced Iron Frame
Reinforced Copper Frame Reinforced Copper Frame

Tier 2
Iron Mechanism
Basic Mechanism

Cement Cement (200x)
Steel Ingot Steel Ingot (200x)
Mining Charge Mining Charge (200x)

Iron Mechanism Iron Mechanism
Copper Mechanism Copper Mechanism
Wire Spindle Wire Spindle

Tier 3
Processor Array
Advanced Components

Concrete Concrete (200x)
Iron Chunk Iron Chunk (200x)
Copper Chunk Copper Chunk (200x)

Gearbox Gearbox
Electrical Set Electrical Set
Processor Array Processor Array

Tier 4
Relay Circuit
Relay Circuits

Relay Circuit Relay Circuit

Tier 5
Electrical Set
Precision Dissassenbly
WORK IN PROGRESS Enables lossless deconstruction of advanced components and materials via thresher. (Gearbox, Electronic Set, Processor Array, Relay Circuit, Wire Spindle, Iron Mechanism, Copper Mechanism)

PT Sierra

Tier Tier Name Cost Tier Unlocks

PT Unknown (WIP Link)

Tier Tier Name Cost

Research: Terraforming, Synthesis, Logistics, Transportation, Energy, Science, Construction
