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Conveyor Belt

Automates transportation of items. Must be used with Inserters to transfer items to and from machines.

The Conveyor Belt Conveyor Belt allows for the transportation of materials across the groundbreakers factory.



The Conveyor Belt Conveyor Belt is unlocked after upgrading to T3 of PT Lima (PT LIMA - T3 - Basic Logistics).


Crafting recipes
Recipe Ingredients Produced In Products

Conveyor Belt Conveyor Belt

Iron Ingot Iron Ingot (4x)

Inventory (Hand crafting), Assemblers

Conveyor Belt Conveyor Belt (5x)

Copper Wire Copper Wire (3x)


The Conveyor Belt Conveyor Belt is the most basic form of automated item transport, carrying 120 items per minute when fully saturated. It requires Inserters to add/remove items from the belt. A split is made when one belt branches off of another - this conveyor split will evenly distribute items to all belts connected to it.
